Tent City Nativity

“Tent City Nativity”
“Jesus was born in a makeshift shelter, too—
A place not really meant for human dwelling—
And yet it was there that he met us, in the lowliest refuge.
Two thousand years later, it’s good to remember
That Christ is still being born, here and now,
Most especially in places we’d rather not go,
Places from which we’d rather look away.
God of illumination and incarnation,
Open not only our eyes, but our hearts,
That we may open, too, our hands And make generous offerings of love,
As your holy light reflects from nylon tent flaps,
Your holy song rises from a crackling campfire,
Lit against the cold, against the night.
Prayer Written by Cameron Bellm
Christ was born in a makeshift shelter in a stable, and in todays reading in the Gospels, the holy family is forced to flee their homeland for fear of persecution. This is the classic modern-day definition of a refugee. The Holy Family is still among us here and now, in the faces of the refugee, the immigrant, the poor and the oppressed.Many people are living in makeshift communities throughout the country, often called “Tent Cities” With this recent cold spell, and through these winter months, unhoused individuals are often in need of more clothing, blankets, food and better shelter.In the following weeks with our print sales of this icon we hope to raise funds and purchase supplies for local organizations here in St. Louis swerving the unhoused like Tent Mission STL, St. Patrick’s Center, and Winter Outreach, and others. Look for your own local organizations in need of volunteers, supplies and funding to help the unhoused in your community.