Este Icono es para los Sacerdotes, directores espirituales, consejeros, ancianos, diáconos, monjas, padrinos, madres y hermanas; es para todas las mujeres que me han guiado en mi camino.
Este icono fue encargado por la reverenda Sharon Swanson para su hija. La pastora se encuentra en la costa rocosa de Shetland, Escocia.
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I love this! A friend found it and sent it to me in a private message. Is it possible to purchase a print if “The Good Shepherdess”?
I love the icon of the Good Shepherd. It caused me to think back on my 74 years on this earth, recalling so many of the women who helped me shape a moral and ethical rule for my life.
I love the icon of the Good Shepherd. It caused me to think back on my 74 years on this earth, recalling so many of the women who helped me shape a moral and ethical rule for my life.